Tuesday 14 June 2016

Hair Dare // "puhtad" juuksehooldustooted

(Scroll down for the post in English)

See oli eelmise aasta sügisel, kui hakkasin kõiki oma naha/keha/juukse/misiganesmuid hooldustooteid vahetama välja looduslikumate variantide vastu. Põhjuseks olid nahaprobleemid ja allergiahood, millega ma kunagi varem kokku puutunud ei olnud. Mida rohkem ma uurisin ja lugesin, seda rohkem mõistsin, et isegi ilma lööbe ja sügeluseta ei soovi ma oma pähe ega nahale määrida igasugust suvalist jura. Miks - kui olemas on paremad alternatiivid? 

Mingit "viskan kõik asjad välja prügikasti" aktsiooni ei toimunud, sest ma leian selle olevat natuke mõttetu ja mitte väga keskkonnasõbraliku. Kõik toimus samm-sammult. Muidugi ma kas viskasin või andsin ära tooted, mis sisaldasid ainet/aineid nimega methylisothiazolinone-methylchloroisothiazolinone-MI-MIT - mis paistab, et oli kõiki mu allergiaprobleemide katalüsaatoriks. Aga sellest ehk pikemalt mõni teine päev.

Täna tahaksin hoopis rääkida tadadah, juuksehooldusest. 

Rahua Voluminous Shampoo, Rahua Voluminous Conditioner, John Masters Organics Honey & Hibiscus Hair Reconstructing Shampoo, Mádara Gloss and Vibrancy Conditioner, Yarok Feed Your Volume Shampoo, Josh Rosebrook Balance Shampoo

Hair Dare - sest mulle tundub, et niipea, kui me hakkame rääkima looduslikest asjadest on juuksehooldus üks neid teemasid, mille peale kõigil juuksekarvad peas püsti tõusevad (ok, see oli päris paha pun nüüd, aga las ta jääb...). Põhilised probleemid mis puudutab looduslikke šampoone paistavad olevat

1. ei vahuta
2. imelik lõhn
3. ei tee juukseid puhtaks
4. tekitab ludupea
5. ei hoia juukseid puhtana
6. ei too postkastist ajalehte 
7. ei vii koera jalutama

jne, jne. Ehk probleemne teema, ja muidugi mõneti õigustatud. Tänapäeval, kui suurem osa inimesi on üles kasvanud SLSe täis šampoonide ja pesuvahenditega, ei ole imeks panna, et tekib võrdlus "vahutab hästi = teeb puhtaks". Tegelikult see võrdusmärk seal olema ei peaks, aga minulgi võttis kõvasti aega, et harjuda mitte-NII-vahutavate šampoonidega.

Aga asja juurde. Tahtsin kirjutada juuksehooldustoodetest, mis mul hetkel kasutuses on. 


* Rahua Voluminous Shampoo - üks esimesi rohelisi šampoone mille ostsin, ja oi kui hea see on. Suurepärane lõhn, vahutab täitsa korralikult kui natuke vaeva näha, ja jätab juuksed hästi kergeks ja õhuliseks. Teisest küljest, maksab hetkel BeautyBay lehel (kust mina selle ostsin) €30.20, seega jah... kallivõitu :p Ise ostsin selle mingisuguse soodushinnaga, aga see oli juba eelmisel aastal ja enam hästi ei mäleta. Täishinda väga maksma ei kipuks.

* Rahua Voluminous Conditioner - sarnane jutt - väga hea ja väga kallis (€31.30 BeautyBays). Minu kuivi juukseotsi niisutab hästi ja ei mingeid pusasid. Võib kasutada igapäevaselt, aga sellise hinna juures - no ei. Kindlasti rohkem luks-tooted mõlemad. Aga kindlasti ka väga hea valik esimeseks "puhtaks" juuksehooldustooteks.

* John Masters Organics Honey & Hibiscus Hair Reconstructing Shampoo - sügavpuhastav šampoon, mida kasutan kord nädalas. Vahutab nii, et vähe pole - vähemalt mul, kuna kasutan seda "teise" pesuna tavalise šampooni järel. Ma olen kasutanud väga palju John Masters juuksehooldustoodete testereid ja siiamaani on küll väga hea mulje jäänud (kehahooldustooted on pigem meh-kategoorias). Sain selle ühest oma lemmik online-butiigist Reina Organics kampaania raames tasuta (hind seal hetkel €42), aga Tallinna Kaubamaja Ilumaailma e-poes näiteks maksab see šampoon hetkel €35.99.

 * Mádara Gloss and Vibrancy Conditioner - mul on selline tunne, et seda palsamit olen ma kasutanud juba 2 aastat, ja ega ma vist väga mööda ei pane... Ostsin selle väga ammu Helsinki Stockmannist, ja see 200-milline tuup pole siiamaani otsa saanud (nüüd tundub, et hakkab saama varsti... ehk... loodame...). Normaalsed koostisained, aga kindlasti ei ole see mu lemmikpalsam ja ilmselt ma Mádara juuksehooldust rohkem ei osta, sest ei see ega ka šampoon pole mu juustega suureks sõbraks saanud. Hind Tallinna Kaubamajas hetkel €13.49, Loverte e-poes €12.90. 

* Yarok Feed Your Volume - Yarok on väga sümpaatne bränd ja hiljem tutvustan ka enda lemmiktoodet nendelt. See volüümiandev šampoon on okei, aga mulle meeldib Rahua oma rohkem. Hästi mõnus tsitruseline lõhn. Yarokit ostan Naturelle.fi e-poest, kus see pisike reisisuuruses potsik maksab - appi - €13! Tegelikult ma kasutan odavamat kraami ka (Logona, Avalon Organics), aga hetkel on jäänud vannituppa just need kallimad totsikud. Yaroki kättesaadavuse kohta Eestis mul kahjuks info puudub.

* Josh Rosebrook Balance Shampoo - Josh Rosebrook on väga haibitud tootemärk hetkel, ja mulle meeldivad mõned tema tooted väga, aga see šampoon ei ole üks neist. Samuti on sellega liiga palju mässamist, kuna parima tulemuse saamiseks peaks pesema juukseid nii, et enne jaotad need neljaks eri sektsiooniks... No kellel selle jaoks esmaspäeva hommikul kell 6 aega on, eks. Aga uudishimust tahtsin proovida. 60ml reisisuurus maksab €11 Reina Organicsis

Yarok Feed Your Sunshine Hair Serum, Ogario London Restore and Shine Hair Masque, Yarok Feed Your Ends Leave-In Conditioner, Rich Argan Oil Elixir, The Body Shop Grapeseed Glossing Serum

Peale pesu/õli/seerumid/mask

* Yarok Feed Your Sunshine Hair Serum - enne pesu juustesse jäetav hooldusaine. Olen vist ühe korra siiani kasutanud, seega ei oska toimet kommenteerida. Ise ma seda ei ostaks, see pisike klaaspurk tuli A Beautiful World veebipoe S/S '16 sampler boxist. 

* Ogario London Restore and Shine Hair Masque - hea lõhnaga juuksemask ja toimib ka vist, st teeb juuksed hästi pehmeks. Pärast maskitamist on juukseid hea katsuda, ütleme nii. Maski tester tuli kunagi LoveLula beauty boxiga kaasa ja mulle meeldis, nii et tellisin LoveLulast täissuuruses maski. Hind € 13.38. 

* Yarok Feed Your Ends Leave-In Conditioner - LEMMIK. Ongi täpselt nii hea kui kõik rohelised blogijad kirjutavad. Suurepäraselt lõhnav sprei, mis eemaldab kõik pusad ja on samuti kuumakaitse eest. Kasutasin juba väiksema pudeli ja tellisin uue, 236-millise Naturelle.fi-st (hind €27). Parim looduslik juuksehooldustoode, mida siiani kasutanud olen.

* Rich Argan Oil Elixir - pärit veel mu "eelmisest" elust ja kohe-kohe lõppeb ka. Mul ei ole mingit infot, kas Rich teostab loomkatseid, ning see õli sisaldab päris palju mittetarvilist kräppi. 

* The Body Shop Grapeseed Glossing Serum - sama jutt. The Body Shop ei ole kindlasti "puhas" bränd, ja kuigi firma ise on cruelty free, ei ole seda TBSi omanik L'Oreal Group, ja seetõttu ma neid finantsiliselt toetada ei soovi. Lisaks unustan ma seda seerumit kogu aeg kasutada ja ilmselt ta varsti aegub kahh... (kahjurõõmus naer). 

Dr Hauschka Revitalising Hair & Scalp Tonic, Josh Rosebrook Lift Hair Texture & Volume, John Masters Organics Sea Mist Salt Spray with Lavender, Lulu Organics Lavender-Clary Sage Hair Powder

Ja veel paar tükki...

* Dr Hauschka Neemipuu juuksetoonik - ostsin selle, kuna terve Internet kubiseb juttudest, et Dr Hauschka juuksetoonik lahendab juuste väljalangemise probleemi. Isiklik kogemus - sellest päevast, kui hakkasin seda kasutama, hakkas mul kohutavalt palju juukseid välja langema. :p Võibolla vale ajastus, aga pean natuke vahet ja siis proovin jälle. Hind €14.49 Tallinna Kaubamajas, €14.50 Lovertes.

* Josh Rosebrook Lift Hair Texture & Volume - viimistlusvahend, mis lubab tõsta juuksejuuri ja tekitada volüümi. Ei saa sajaprotsendiliselt kaasa noogutada, kuna mu juuksed enamasti ei allu mingitele reeglitele, aga no umbes 75-protsendiliselt noogutan küll. Väga mõnus sprei. €29 Reina Organicsis.

* John Masters Organics Sea Mist Salt Spray with Lavender - soolasprei, lisab tekstuuri. Hea valik, kui soovid maksta €22.99 (Tallinna Kaubamaja) täissuuruses soola-vee-lavendli õli segu eest.

* Lulu Organics Lavender-Clary Sage Hair Powder - põhimõtteliselt siis kuivšampoon, aga pulbri kujul. Huvitav kogemus igatahes. Mul on tunne, et minu juustele ei mõju miski, ei need looduslikud pulbrid ega mingid batisted jne - ikka näevad nad normaalsed välja umbes üks päev, ja teise päeva lõunaks on taas harakapesa peas. Reisisuuruses toode maksab Amazingy (lemmikpood!) e-poes €9.50.

[In English]

It was last autumn when I started to replace all my beauty products with the more natural ones. The reason was skin problems and allergic flare ups, which I had no experience with so far. The more I read and researched, the more I realized that even without the rash and itching, I do not want to put random crap on my skin and into my hair. Why – if there are better alternatives? 

There was now “I will dump everything into the trash” action because I find this to be a bit pointless and wasteful. Everything happened step by step. I did either toss out or gave away products that contain methylisothiazolinone-methylchloroisothiazolinone-MI-MIT the substance that most likely triggered all my skin problems. But this is a story for another day. 

Today I would like to talk about – dudun! – haircare.

Hair Dare – because I have a feeling that as soon as the conversation goes to natural haircare products, a lot of people start running to the hills. The main problems regarding natural shampoos seem to be

1.    does not foam
2.    weird smell
3.    does not make hair clean
4.    results in limp hair
5.    does not keep hair clean
6.    does not bring the newspaper from the mailbox
7.    does not take the dog for a walk

etc. etc. So, it is a problematic topic, and not all without reason. Nowadays, when most people are grown on shampoos and cleaning products full of SLSs, it is no wonder that people create the comparison “foams well = cleans well”. Actually there is no equation mark there, but it took even me a long time to get used to not-so-foaming shampoos.
But let’s get to the business. I wanted to write about the hair care products I am currently using.


·         * Rahua Voluminous Shampoo – one of the first green shampoos that I bought, and maaan, it is good. Delicious scent, foams perfectly decently if you work on it a bit, and leaves hair very light and airy. On the other hand – it costs €30.20 on BeautyBay (where I bought it from), so yes… it is expensive :p I bought it with some discount price, but it was already last year and I do not remember that well. I am not too eager to pay the full price.

·         * Rahua Voluminous Conditioner – similar story – very good and very expensive (€31.30 on BeautyBay). Moisturises and detangles well. Can be used daily, but with this price – no. These are both sort of luxury products, but also I think a very good choice as the first green hair products. 

·        * John Masters Organics Honey & Hibiscus Hair Reconstructing Shampoo – deep cleansing shampoo that I use once a week. Foams very well – at least for me because I use it during the second wash after the regular shampoo. I have used many John Masters’ haircare testers and so far have been impressed with everything (body care products have so far been more like “men”, though…). I received this shampoo from one of my favourite online boutiques, Reina Organics, as part of a campaign, so I did not pay for it, but it currently costs €42 in there.

·        * Madara Gloss and Vibrancy Conditioner – I feel like I have been using this conditioner for at least two years, and I don’t think the guess is very much off… I bought it a long time ago from Stockmann here in Helsinki, and this 200-ml tube has still not run out (now it seems that it will run out… soon… hopefully). The ingredients are okay, but this is definitely not my favourite conditioner and I will probably not buy any more Madara hair products because neither this nor the shampoo I tried did much to my hair. 

·        * Yarok Feed Your Volume – Yarok is a very nice brand and I will later introduce my favourite product from them. This voluminous shampoo is okay, but I prefer Rahua’s. The shampoo has very nice citrusy scent. I buy Yarok from Naturelle.fi e-shop, where this little travel size product costs – help - €13! I do actually use cheaper stuff too (Logona, Avalon Organics), but it has just happened now that the products currently in use are more on the expensive side. 

·        * Josh Rosebrook Balance Shampoo – Josh Rosebook is such a hyped brand the green beauty community at the moment, and I really like some of his products, but this shampoo is not one of them. It also requires too much fussing around because in order to get the best result, you should divide hair into four sections and wash them separately… ain’t no one got time for that at 6 am on Monday morning. But I was curious to try this anyway. 60ml travel size costs €11 in Reina Organics.

After the wash/oil/serums/mask

·        * Yarok Feed Your Sunshine Hair Serum – this is a serum that is left in hair pre-wash. I have used it only once so far, so I cannot comment on how it works. I would not buy it myself, this little glass jar came from A Beautiful World S/S ’16 sampler box.

·        * Ogario London Restore and Shine Hair Masque – nicely smelling hair mask and I think it works because it makes your hair soft and they are nice to touch afterwards. I got a tester of this mask once from a LoveLula beauty box and I liked it, so I ordered the full size product (€13.38).

·        * Yarok Feed Your Ends Leave-In Conditioner – THE BOMB. It is exactly as good as all green beauty bloggers write it is. A deliciously scented spray that removes all knots and tangles and also acts as a heat protectant. I already used up a smaller size bottle and ordered a new, 236-ml one from Naturelle.fi (€27). The best natural hair product I have used so far. 

·        * Rich Argan Oil Elixir – this is still from my “previous” life and is about to end (yay). I have no information whether Rich is cruelty free or not, and this oil contains a lot of unnecessary crap. 

·        * The Body Shop Grapeseed Glossing Serum – same here. TBS is definitely not a “clean” brand and although the company is cruelty free, its parent company L’Oreal Group definitely is not, and therefore I do not wish to give my money to them. Also, I forget to use this serum all the time and it will probably expire soon anyway… (mwahaha).

And a few more bits…

·        * Dr Hauschka Revitalising Hair & Scalp Tonic – I bought it after I saw the whole Internet write that Dr Hauschka hair tonic solves the problem of hair falling out. My experience is that since the day I started using it, I have had a lot more hair falling out than before :p Maybe this is just an unfortunate timing, but I will have a little break from this before trying again.

·        * Josh Rosebrook Lift Hair Texture & Volume – a styling product that promises to lift roots and give volume. I cannot completely agree, because my hair usually does what it wants no matter what I try to do, but I can agree about 75%. It’s a very nice spray. €29 in Reina Organics.

·        * John Masters Organics Sea Mist Salt Spray with Lavender – a salt spray that adds texture. It is a good choice if you want to pay €20+ for a mixture of water, salt and lavender oil.

·        * Lulu Organics Lavender-Clary Sage Hair Powder – this is basically a dry shampoo in powder form. It has been … an interesting experience. I think nothing works for my hair – not the natural powders, not the batistes, etc. They still look normal for about one day and turn into a greasy bird’s nest by the next lunchtime. A travel size product costs €9.50 in Amazingy (my favourite e-shop!)

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